Most if not all suppliers will charge VAT too thugh, so when budgeting you should work with ex-vat prices accross the board, and then just att VAT to the ticket price.

I suspect a large number of atendees will be able to claim it back anyway.

On 5 February 2015 at 13:42, Emmanuel Lécharny <> wrote:
Le 05/02/15 13:31, Clément OUDOT a écrit :
> 2015-02-05 12:50 GMT+01:00 Andrew Findlay <>:
>> On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 11:03:05AM +0000, Kimball Johnson wrote:
>>> Eventbrite charge 6.5% plus 65p capped at £6.50 per ticket, then there
>>> is payment processing fees on top of that
>> On Thu, Feb 05, 2015 at 12:19:19PM +0100, Clément OUDOT wrote:
>>> In 2013, for an entry ticket payed 250 € on eventbrite, we received 234,25 €:
>>> * 7 € on eventbrite fee
>>> * 8,75 € for card payement fee
>> That's about 6.3% overall - probably not too bad.
>> Did your bank charge anything to receive the payment? We sometimes get
>> hit that way with payments from abroad.
> I can't say, this part was managed by Emmanuel Lecharny, in copy of
> this message. Emmanuel, maybe could you answer this question?

No, we weren't charged for that.

BTW, one of the mistake we did was to forget to take VAT into account.
For any paiement made, we had to deduce 20%, not refundable. So if you
expect people to pay 250£, you will only get 190£...
