Hi Andrew,

I can confirm that we intend to submit a few proposals for presentations, about OpenDJ server, but as well on the LDAP SDK.


Ludovic Poitou
Product Manager - ForgeRock

From: Andrew Findlay <andrew.findlay@skills-1st.co.uk>
Reply: Andrew Findlay <andrew.findlay@skills-1st.co.uk>>
Date: 2 Apr 2015 at 14:09:03
To: Michael Ströder <michael@stroeder.com>>
Cc: 2015@lists.ldapcon.org <2015@lists.ldapcon.org>>
Subject:  Re: [LDAPCon 2015] Any submissions so far?

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 11:54:49AM +0100, Michael Ströder wrote:

> I know that the dead-line is end of June but I wonder whether we
> have to remind people about the LDAPcon 2015 CfP.

Yes - it is time to do that, particularly as we have just changed the
submission address to escape the spam load...
(Now submissions2015@lists.ldapcon.org)

> How many submissions were sent in so far?

We have proposals for 7 papers and 2 tutorials:

total 44
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 1057 Feb 9 12:23 ASharma-389
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 1146 Feb 9 12:23 ASharma-data-encryption
-rw------- 1 andrew users 11336 Mar 29 21:11 Bannister-DBIS
-rw------- 1 andrew users 12284 Mar 29 21:14 Bannister-PROSE
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 1226 Feb 6 16:12 Ströder-Æ-DIR
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 595 Feb 6 16:12 Ströder-Monitoring-OpenLDAP
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 392 Feb 6 16:13 Ströder-SplitDNS

total 16
-rw------- 1 andrew users 10066 Jan 30 10:33 Baruzzi-schema-design
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andrew users 433 Feb 6 16:13 Ströder-BYOD-for-web2ldap

The two proposals from Amita Sharma might fit better as tutorials
rather than papers. The schema design proposal is a on-liner with no
detail at this stage.

I am assuming that the usual suspects will provide updates on recent
developments in server products (Howard, Ludo, ... it would be handy
to confirm this).

What else could we mention to encourage people to get involved early?

| From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
| http://www.skills-1st.co.uk/ +44 1628 782565 |
2015 mailing list