In previous years we had a keynote speaker and early drafts for this year mentioned the same thing. I do not see mention of that in this year’s program. Will a keynote address still take place?


On Sep 22, 2015, at 8:56 AM, Andrew Findlay <> wrote:

Here is the draft timetable. In developing this my thinking is:

* Keep all sessions to 2hrs or less - preferably 90 minutes
* Put longer papers earlier in the day when people are able to
concentrate for longer periods
* Get the lightning talks and poster presentations into the
first day so that people have a chance to discuss them
* Allow some time for LDAPEXT business and allow a trade-off
between that and lightning talks if needed
* Try to group papers with similar themes together (not always
possible of course)
* Maintain the momentum of the event so that it does not trail
off into a 'graveyard shift' at the end of each day.
(Howard: I am depending on you to wake people up in the last
session on Friday! I have extended your slot to allow for some
music :-))
* A lot of people are likely to spend Friday night in Edinburgh
so we should organise some evening event rather than let them
drift away.

Thursday 12 Nov 2015

08:30 Registration and coffee

09:00  The OpenID Connect protocol - Clément Oudot
09:45 Universal SSPR: a new edge for Self Service Reset Password - Alban Meunier
10:15 Improvements of LDAP protocol and transaction protocol - Christian Hollstein

11:00 Coffee

11:20 DBIS: Directory-Based Information Services - Mark Bannister
12:05 Æ-DIR: Yet another LDAP user and systems management - Michael Ströder

12:50 Lunch

14:00 Asynchronous LDAP programming is full of Promises! - Ludovic Poitou and Matthew Swift
14:45 Building Identity and Access Management in GitHub Enterprise - Matt Todd
15:15 2-factor Authentication with OpenLDAP, OATH-HOTP and Yubikey - Axel Hoffmann

15:30 Tea
15:50 What’s new in OpenDJ 3.0 - Ludovic Poitou and Matthew Swift
16:20 Driving Google Apps with LDAP - Boyd Duffee
16:35 LDAP Monitoring using opensource - Sanjun Song
16:50 LDAPExt Update

17:00 Break

17:10 Lightning talks
18:00 End of session

19:00 Conference Dinner venue opens ?
19:30 Dinner ?

Friday 13 Nov 2015

09:00 Innovative replication management in FreeIPA - Ludwig Krispenz, Petr Vobornik
09:40 A synchronous approach to multimaster replication in the M-Vault directory server - Damy Mahl
10:15 Monitoring OpenLDAP - Michael Ströder

10:30 Coffee

10:50 Introducing a Security Access Control Engine that resides in OpenLDAP - Shawn McKinney
11:35 Complete Open Source IAM Solution - Radovan Semancik

12:20  Lunch

13:30 Using LDAP as Data Back-end for XML-Data from Digital Humanities Projects - Peter Gietz
14:15 Samba4 with OpenLDAP backend - Nadezhda Ivanova

15:00 Tea
15:15 WiredTiger Backend for OpenLDAP - HAMANO Tsukasa
15:30 An asynchronous meta backend for OpenLDAP - Nadezhda Ivanova
15:45 What's new in OpenLDAP - Howard Chu

16:25 Wrapup
16:30 End of session

18:00 Evening social event ?

I would like to publish this ASAP, so comments quickly please!


|                 From Andrew Findlay, Skills 1st Ltd                 |
| Consultant in large-scale systems, networks, and directory services |
|                +44 1628 782565     |
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