Hi Peter S,
could you comment, please, on eduPersonTargetedID as requested attribute at Elsevier SP in eduID.at metadata? -
BR Jiri
On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 9:07 AM Nick Roy nroy@internet2.edu wrote:
On 25 Mar 2019, at 3:29, Peter Gietz wrote:
Hi all,
as Peter rightly mentioned, FIM4L is a rather new activity that is currently taking up speed and visibility. A first website should be available this week. A charter and a recommendation document are in the making, the latter is still very raw.
Although we see it as a library driven approach with focus on library requirements and standpoints towards scientific publishers (and RA21), the list is open to anyone that wants to contribute to FIM for libraries.
Of course the recommendation document will contain attributes and thus discussions like this thread are relevant for the group. Nevertheless be aware that not all publishers have state of the art SAML SP implementations and providing EPTI might still be necessary for a while. Of course the recommendation document is a good place to push the newer and of course better alternative pairwise-id and we thank Peter S. to bring this up on that list.
Since we are talking about a specification that was finalized this January, we cannot expect adaption in an SP community rather conservative towards software. As the RA21 in its announcement to support Coco mentions "Specifically, the service provider should only ask for eduPersonEntitlement and, optionally, a pseudonymous pairwise user identifier (e.g., eduPersonTargetedID)" we were discussing this on the fim4l list. Such a formulation, also mentioning the SAML subjectID specification and its pairwise-id (as preferred option), is the current idea. If important specifications like eduPerson deprecates EPTI, we might change that as well. But as I said: recommendation is one thing, changing software to consume other IDs another.
Peter G, I’ve subscribed to the FIM4L list. Could you please approve my subscription?
Heather, what is needed to update RA21 to recommend use of the SAML subject identifier (pairwise-id?) instead of eduPersonTargetedID?
Thank you,
BTW: a presentation on FIM4L is planned for the next REFEDS f2f in Tallinn. I am looking forward to that.
Peter G.
Am 22.03.2019 um 15:45 schrieb Peter Schober:
- Peter Schober peter.schober@univie.ac.at [2019-03-22 15:37]:
- Nick Roy nroy@internet2.edu [2019-03-22 15:16]:
What is FIM4L? I agree this recommendation is bad.
Raoul mentioned it here recently: https://lists.refeds.org/sympa/arc/refeds/2019-03/msg00007.html
I found out a bit about it and reported back here: https://lists.refeds.org/sympa/arc/refeds/2019-03/msg00013.html
I've since also discovered (and subscribed to) the mailing list http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l
None of this is for me to share but since the above info is all publicly and independently discoverable I guess those of you interested in joining this effort and discussing the essentials of access to institutionally licensed resources could do so, same way I did. It is an effort "by the libraries", though (plus selected institutions and federation folks, seemingly), so I'm probably more tolerated than welcome at this point (and progressively so the more I speak up about such issues ;)).
Peter Gietz, CEO
DAASI International GmbH Europaplatz 3 D-72072 Tübingen Germany
phone: +49 7071 407109-0 fax: +49 7071 407109-9 email: peter.gietz@daasi.de web: www.daasi.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Tübingen Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 382175 Geschäftsleitung: Peter Gietz
FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l