Dear Jiri,
Is it correct that State Library Berlin registered patrons can use federated authentication at JSTOR, Project MUSE, Web Of Science, ... ?
Well... No. It's complicated...
We have differents groups of users/patrons. The largest group are our "local" patrons at the SBB - you have to get here to our house, fill out and sign a registration form and then you get a library card. Then you may use our ejournals and databases and so on (including JSTOR, MUSE etc.)
But these patrons have to use a proxy-server with local authentication (OpenLDAP). As I wrote, we cannot provide federated authentication for them because a lot of these patrons already have an federated identity at their university or other home instiution.
Another group of users are the users of our special information services (in german it says Fachinformationsdienste). These are scientist from all over germany who are registered for the service. They may connect their home identity with the account at the special information service via eduPersonUniqueId. Here, we are using federated authentication based on SAML at our proxy server, but not towards the providers (also because the providers are mostly chinese and they never heard about something like Shibboleth).
But my goal is to offer federated authentication for all of our users. So out patrons may use our services and the serivces at third-party providers we have licensed with their home identity.
-- Gerrit Gragert, M.A. Ltg. IT-Services fuer die Digitale Bibliothek Abt. IDM 2.3
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz Potsdamer Str. 33 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 266-43 22 30 Fax: +49 30 266-33 20 01 gerrit.gragert@sbb.spk-berlin.de www.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de