Dear all,
so let also me introduce myself
In the beginning of my IT career I was programmer and then worked for LDAP/X.500 related DFN research projects and for DANTE Cambridge in charge of the X.500 root node. Almost 20 years ago, I founded DAASI International as a spin off of the last DFN-Project and as official spin off of the University of Tübingen. DAASI International provides Open Source solutions in the fields of Identity and Access Management and Federated Identity Management. I was among others involved in research infrastructure projects and in AARC 1 and 2. Within AARC 1 DAASI International was involved in several library oriented pilots and I was co-organizing a respective workshop at the LIBER 2016 Conference and presented at LIBER 2018 Conference. On that 2018 event Jos, Jiri, Valentino Cavalli (then working for LIBER) and I agreed that a thing like FIM4L would be beneficial to ease migration of libraries to FIM and thus we 4 started this activity.
Am 11.04.19 um 14:15 schrieb Jos Westerbeke:
Dear participants of the FIM4L initiative,
The email list of FIM4L is growing. That's a good thing; we get attention from libraries, NREN's, and many supportive partners, from EU and recently the US. (As you can see in the email just send by Peter G. containing a PDF with names for the charter doc.)
To keep track of all participants of FIM4L, we decided in our last call to ask every participant for a short introduction. At least your name, function and affiliation. And why you're on FIM4L would be nice too. Just because many of the list don't know everyone involved.
We also want to ask you whether you're fine with publishing your institution and personal name on the http://fim4l.org website. (in development)
Future participants will be asked to give a short introduction too.
So, could you please give:
- short intro
- consent to publish your name on website (name and affiliation only)
@Gerrit: thank you for your already given extensive intro!
Thank you in advance!
FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l