Hello Peter,
I should have pointed out in my introduction that we are part of pilot activity for the African identity federation being driven by WACREN and Ubuntunet Alliance, so there are areas that need to be addressed some which you have pointed out.
My interest in being part of the list to gain more insights into the AARC initiative and how identity infrastructure is being leveraged by libraries so I can help my library community in Nigeria with identity and access management as an NREN provider.
Regards, Owen
From: "Peter Schober" peter.schober@univie.ac.at To: "Fim4l" fim4l@lists.daasi.de Sent: Thursday, 11 April, 2019 19:20:50 Subject: Re: [Fim4l] Participants of FIM4L - list update
* Owen Iyoha owen@eko-konnect.org.ng [2019-04-11 20:06]:
We have started using the eduid.africa infrastructure [...]
Since eduid.africa has been mentioned a few times now: The WHOIS database suggests that this service is run by WACREN but the "privacy policy" for the service hasn't been updated yet:
"This service is operated by XXX, registered in Country. For any questions about data protection, do not hesitate to contact us at privacy@example.org." -- https://eduid.africa/privacypolicy
Since there's no sign of any responsible party or operator anywhere else on the site either that doesn't create the best first impression.
Best regards, -peter _______________________________________________ FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l