Hola a todos!
My name is Heather Flanagan, and I’m an independent contractor that works in the digital identity and standards space. My role is that of a coordinator, facilitator, process architect, and/or project manager - whatever the visionaries and engineers in digital identity and Internet standards development need in order to see their ideas actually happen. My clients include: RA21 https://ra21.org/ (as Academic Pilot Coordinator, and starting on July 1, the Program Director for the beta service offering), REFEDS https://refeds.org/ (as co-coordinator with Nicole Harris), the IETF LLC (as the RFC Series https://www.rfc-editor.org/ Editor), IDPro https://idpro.org/ (as the IDPro Principle Editor), Spherical Cow Group https://sphericalcowgroup.com/ (as a project manager for a few COmanage https://www.internet2.edu/products-services/trust-identity/comanage/ deployments).
As you can imagine, several of my roles touch on the work happening here in FIM4L, but none of them are specifically paying me to engage with this group. I’m more than happy to talk about and coordinate between any of my roles and FIM4L. Right now, I expect RA21 and REFEDS will be of the most interest to this group.
My academic degrees are a BA in Liberal Arts and an MLS from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. I was _supposed_ to be a librarian when I grew up, but life took me in a wildly different direction. It’s nice to be engaging with librarians again!
-Heather Flanagan https://www.linkedin.com/in/hlflanagan/