Hi all,
I think Bernd is right here on all he said. I share his remarks.
Some libraries are resisting, some libraries are confused but 'just want to have access' and follow publishers guidelines, some are unaware of the impact of releasing PII.
As our library was unaware: We have set up a few SAML connections years ago which exchanges names and emailaddresses. Now we want to pull back that PII release. This is quite a struggle.
If FIM4L only could diminish the confusion of SAML/SSO for libraries, I would be very happy!
And if FIM4L could prevent libraries to release PII (set up SAML correctly), I'm even more happy:) Before they are messed up with bad SAML connections.
We, libraries, need a reference we can point publishers to when we want to set up SAML.
cheers, Jos
Op 11-05-19 12:38 heeft FIM4L namens Bernd Oberknapp <fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de namens bo@ub.uni-freiburg.de> geschreven:
On 10.05.19 20:09, Peter Gietz wrote:
> I am still impressed by the negative mindset of public libraries I found > towards RA21 and for-profit scientific publishers in general, which I > noticed at meetings and in individual conversations.
Regarding RA21, this is to some extend based on the fact that some publishers already have tried to enforce in contract negotiations, with reference to RA21, that libraries switch to SAML as the only authentication method and in some cases that they not only provide a persistent/targeted/pairwise ID but also personal data like names and email addresses. That's why many libraries, at least in Germany, wouldn't support any recommendation that promotes SAML as the only authentication method or doesn't include anonymous access via SAML.
In my opinion using SAML as the only authentication method also would be a non-starter from a technical perspective. Many publisher unfortunately have a really bad record regarding SAML support, with things breaking when they make changes and issues often taking weeks or even months or years to resolve, if they are resolved at all.
Best regards, Bernd