Dear all,
I don’t think I have received an answer to this. Can you please let us know?
Cheers, Licia
On 6 Mar 2019, at 12:12, Licia Florio Licia.Florio@geant.org wrote:
Dear all,
I just a quick chat with Nicole (REFEDS coordinator) about FIM4L. Although work in FIM4L has only started recently, it would be good to have a presentation at the upcoming REFEDS.The next REFEDS meeting will be co-located with TNC (but REFEDS attendance is free of charge).For more information please refer to https://refeds.org/.
Is there somebody planning to be at TNC that could present on it?
Cheers, Licia
Licia Florio Senior Trust & Identity Manager and T&I Activity Leader GÉANT M: +31 (0) 653928443
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