Hi Jiri,
On 13.03.21 09:15, Jiri Pavlik wrote:
When checking ProQuest SP for ProQuest Central in DFN-AAI metadata [1] I can see both eduPersonEntitlement and eduPersonTargetedID as required attributes.
I assume you mean the SP https://shibboleth-sp.prod.proquest.com/shibboleth? That's obviously wrong, both eduPersonScopedAffiliation and eduPersonEntitlement are supported for authorization, but as far as I can tell you don't have to use them, and eduPersonTargetedID isn't required.
Is it safe to assume that if there is personalisation capability at a library service then all German universities, libraries are fine with releasing eduPersonTargetedID for recognising returning users and eduPersonEntitlement, eduPersonScopedAffiliation for authorisation?
No. I can't speak for other IdPs, but in my opinion that approach would be wrong, users by default should be able to use services anonymously, without being recognized as a returning user. Based on what I can see in the admin tools, only a very small percentage of our users actually uses the personalization features, so releasing eduPersonTargetedID by default just for personalization isn't an option. If publishers would force us to send an eduPersonTargetedID just for personalization I would consider dropping Shibboleth for those publishers and using our EZproxy instead.
Best regards, Bernd