Hi all,


Anyone planned to be at ELAG 2020 conference?


This will be held in Riga, Latvia, June 9-12. Here FIM4L could present/elaborate on the more technical side of FIM.


Anyone interested to give a presentation at ELAG? Please let me know. Peter van Boohemen (FIM4L member) is chair of the ELAG committee. Proposal deadline is February 12.




The FIM4L WG submitted an abstract for a presentation at LIBER 2020 conference in Belgrade, Serbia, Jun 24-26. Pieter Gietz and I would like to present. This could be a great opportunity to meet each other over there! Welcome!


We worked hard to get our Guidelines and Recommendations ready for public comments. Here it is. I think we can publish it by the end of January. (December was too busy;) If you find something needed to be edited, please let it know by a comment in the document.


all the best,
