Riger Schonfeld has a great piece on this in SK yesterday .... https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2019/12/03/publishers-announce-plug-leak...
I'd love to see a demo. Its hard to conceptualize from just text!
Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe lisalibrarian@gmail.com
On Wed, Dec 4, 2019, 9:15 AM Jiri Pavlik jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz wrote:
Dear all,
you may like to check Get Full Text Research (GetFTR) - https://www.getfulltextresearch.com/
It seems that American Chemical Society, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis and Wiley are going to rollout Seamless access sign in button and WAYF soon. Springer Nature already implemented it at Nature.com platform.
Would you like to share comment on that, Chris? :-)
Best regards
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