Prompted by a local support request I tried to verify that federated logins to https://www.sciencedirect.com/ are still working -- only to find out that in order to log I'm requested to register an account (even after having logged in successfully via my institution[1]) by providing an email address and, later on, also my full name:
"Enter your email to continue with ScienceDirect" "Email is required" "Your given name is required." "Your family name is required."
I obviously didn't get the memo about how it was agreed that all anonmous/pseudonymous use of institutionally licensed resources has been shut down?!
Best regards, -peter
[1] The SAML IDP I used to log in has a contract with Elsevier and is sending the agreed upon data via SAML (the "common-lib-terms" entitlement as well as a "persistent" SAML NameID) -- same as it always had.