Hello everyone,

We would like to give you a brief update about the FIM4L activities.


FIM4L is a non-profit initiative led by libraries with the main purpose of creating and maintaining recommendations for configuring federated SSO authentication for library e-resources in the most privacy preserving way. It has a working group under the umbrella of LIBER, currently the base of FIM4L. FIM4L recommendations are published at the FIM4L website and the Zenodo platform. Please join our Mailing List for information and discussions.




We have submitted a proposal for UKSG annual conference.

We will submit a proposal for LIBER 2021 annual conference.

The IFLA annual conference in Rotterdam (NL) went to an online conference. We hope that our planned presentation will stay on the program.

Peter Gietz will present on a DFN (the German NREN) event about FIM4L and SA (with co-author) in March.

Hopefully, we can show this year more about how to use the FIM4L recommendations.

Meeting with CAR representatives

In January we had a meeting with Rob Carter (Duke University) and Ken Klingenstein (Internet2) about the Consent informed Attribute Release tool. This software can be useful whenever personal attribute release is needed for some reason. We plan to schedule a second meeting. More info will follow, but since it can be useful in many situations, not just in connection with FIM4L, we recommend you to check out their initiative.

Moving on with recommendations

Since we are thinking about how we can improve our recommendations in a next release and creating new ideas, we've created a new document for moving on to a new version, or addendum to the current version. Please, share your ideas! Comments are more than welcome. It's open for "anyone with the link" to comment. (FIM4L members have/can get edit rights, please let me know.)

We are also working behind the scenes to get more research library consortia/associations supporting the FIM4L principles & recommendations.

Wishing you all the best and stay safe!


Jos Westerbeke
Library IT specialist/manager | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Library | 3062 PA Rotterdam | jos.westerbeke@eur.nl | +31 640295513