Hi -- Please excuse the cross-posting.
There is still time to register for the FIM / ORCID AFFINITY GROUP MEETING
Thursday, 17 June 2021 | 13:30 - 15:30 CEST (online) Registration: https://events.geant.org/event/865/ (no charge)
*ABOUT THIS MEETING* Collaboration between ORCID and the research/education community has grown since ORCID's launch in late 2012:
- Federations lead ORCID consortia of institutions - Academic libraries rely on ORCID iDs to attribute, catalog and quantify scholarly communications outputs - Research institutions use ORCID iDs to more accurately link research contributors - ORCID sign-in has been considered as an IdP of Last Resort for research collaboration tools - Unique Institutional credentials have been linked to over 320,000 ORCID accounts - ORCID iDs are included in the eduPerson schema
Conversations happen globally among ORCID, federation operators, library and research organizations, practitioners, software providers, and standards committees, though rarely over the entirety of this group at the same time. During this meeting, we convene to consider strategic topics that involve the ORCID platform or iDs, and deepen collaboration among the ORCID and these communities.
*WHAT WE'LL TALK ABOUT* This interactive meeting will include several discussion sessions:
1. *Inspiration: The Role of ORCID in Connection & Collaboration* - Omo Oaiya, Chief Strategy Officer, WACREN 2. *ORICD & FIM: Today & Tomorrow* - Facilitated by Chris Shillum, Executive Director, ORCID 3. *Use of the ORCID Platform* - Facilitated by Tom Demeranville, Product Director, ORCID 4. *The ORCID Collaboration Network* - Facilitated by Gabi Mejias, Engagement Manager, Global Consortia, ORCID
Hope to see you there!
Best, L [image: https://laurapaglione.com] https://laurapaglione.com Be different. Laura Paglione LauraPaglione.com https://laurapaglione.com/ lpaglione@SphericalCowGroup.com lpaglione@sphericalcowgroup.com