Hi everybody,
I am Peter van Boheemen working at Wageningen University and Research in the MDT Library. MDT stands for Multi Disciplinary Team. In this team IT staff together with Library staff supports all IT based library services. I am part of the IT staff and work as a consultant/developer in this team. I have been working in ibrary IT for a few decades now. We are building web services and web applications using our own developed framework, which uses the SURF federation to have users identified and uses some of the attributes to allow them to use our services. Furthermore, like all libraries we have users that use federated authentication to connect to publishers services, although we do not promote this too much. We still prefer IP based authentication and off campus access via EZproxy which use is managed by our own authorization mechanism based on the same SURF federation, Last, but not least we also provide access to a cloud based Library Management system (WMS) via the same authentication methods. I hope to bring experiences to this group and hope to learn form others.
From: FIM4L fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de On Behalf Of Raoul Teeuwen Sent: donderdag 11 april 2019 2:28 To: Jos Westerbeke jos.westerbeke@eur.nl; Fim4l@lists.daasi.de Subject: Re: [Fim4l] Participants of FIM4L - list update
Hi all!
I’m working at SURF/SURFnet, the Dutch NREN, as a product manager in the Trust & Identity team. In light of the GDPR, and maybe also since we have a hub-and-spoke-federation, our institutions, especially the libraries, have asked the help of SURF in the discussions with publishers to check what attributes publishers have required in the past, and to take steps to minimize that attribute set. So I would love to bring and share what we learn(ed) and see what we can further learn, especially to align with international library requirements and ideas about attribute release.
If you would like to know more of me personally, you can check out http://nl.gravatar.com/raoulteeuwen 😊.
I consent to (with, in…?) publication of my name and affiliation.
Kindest regards,
Raoul tel:+31641195989
On 11/04/2019, 14:17, "FIM4L on behalf of Jos Westerbeke" <fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.demailto:fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de on behalf of jos.westerbeke@eur.nlmailto:jos.westerbeke@eur.nl> wrote:
Dear participants of the FIM4L initiative,
The email list of FIM4L is growing. That's a good thing; we get attention from libraries, NREN's, and many supportive partners, from EU and recently the US. (As you can see in the email just send by Peter G. containing a PDF with names for the charter doc.)
To keep track of all participants of FIM4L, we decided in our last call to ask every participant for a short introduction. At least your name, function and affiliation. And why you're on FIM4L would be nice too. Just because many of the list don't know everyone involved.
We also want to ask you whether you're fine with publishing your institution and personal name on the http://fim4l.org website. (in development)
Future participants will be asked to give a short introduction too.
So, could you please give: 1. short intro 2. consent to publish your name on website (name and affiliation only)
@Gerrit: thank you for your already given extensive intro!
Thank you in advance! Jos