Action item from today’s call: - recent adoption of GEANT Data Protection Code of Conduct by RA21 Heather: Will send a note to the mailing list explaining what’s happened within RA21 re: the GEANT DPCoCo
Hello all,
We didn’t have time to cover this on the call today, so I promised to send out an email to let folks know what’s happened here.
Back at the end of January of this year, the RA21 Security and Privacy working group met to discuss whether they were willing to request that the RA21 initiative as a whole endorse the GEANT Data Protection Code of Conduct. Members of that group, which included publishers, librarians, and federated identity infrastructure people, agreed that the principles in the code of conduct were definitely worth endorsing. That said, they were only willing to endorse version 1, as version 2 is still considered a draft. Version 1 does not apply to Service Providers outside the EU, and does not cover GDPR, but the principles of data minimization, etc, are important in and of themselves to endorse in any federated service. The working group requested that any future work related to RA21 keep an eye on this space so that when version 2 of the code of conduct is finalized, whatever group is governing RA21 (or its successors) consider whether to endorse that future version.
I wrote up a blog post https://ra21.org/index.php/2019/02/28/ra21-adopts-refeds-data-protection-code-of-conduct/ on the RA21 website about this.
Please let me know if you have any questions! Heather