Dear all,
I've recently subscribed to this list due to Raoul dropped its short name (FIM4L) on another mailing list and from then finding a czech language presentations on the Internet with contained links to this mailing list.
The "charter" document referenced by Jiří yesterday answers a few of my questions with regard to the background (and possibly funding) of this effort but raises others (E.g. Why is this not a REFEDS Working Group? How come the identity federation community at large has never heard of this and has not been given a chance to provide input but eduGAIN, GEANT and REFEDS are already listed as "parties involved in this effort"? etc.)
Both the charter and especially the "FIM4L guidelines and recommendations" documents referenced in the mail yesterday are fraught with issues, IMHO, both substantial and structural/editorial.
So how do you want to handle this? Should I wait like everyone else who hasn't been invited into this effort until you consider those documents ready for wider publication? Or do you want to gather more input now -- but then why limit that additional input to myself only because I've managed to even find this list and not the wider community?
Best regards, -peter