Hi Peter,
Completely agree here, for more reasons than one, I gave our picture of this last week, attached. There are your personal settings which you can access in any way, as long as you can prove to us you are you, and then there are institutional entitlements that you can only access when you can prove your association with the institution as well.
Kind regards, Meshna
-----Original Message----- From: FIM4L fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de On Behalf Of Peter Schober Sent: Monday, March 22, 2021 12:53 To: fim4l@lists.daasi.de Subject: Re: [Fim4l] a few meta-comments about the LexisNexis Advance Thread
*** External email: use caution ***
* Jiri Pavlik jiri.pavlik@techlib.cz [2021-03-17 15:16]:
I managed to link my institutional account to my personal e-mail address. That's great.
I shouldn't have to explain any of this but anyway:
By avoiding the requirement for the subject to log in from their home institution you're also preventing that institution from having a say in whether that subject should be able to access those resources -- when it's that institituion that's likely paying for that access.
So while "account linking" may seem "great" that cannot transfer the right to access institutionally licensed resoures to arbitrary external identities logging in from other services.
At the very least the SP would have to regularly force the subject to renew the "account linking" with the institutionally provided account in order to allow access to institutionally licensed resource when logging in from /other/ services -- but how regularly? And does the institution have a say in that? While Meshna will be able to tell us how Elsevier implements this what about *other* SPs that offer the same "convenience"?
Also I guess institutions will also be missing any reporting (e.g. the newly proposed eduPerson attrribute) for access to "their" licensed resources then that access is being made avaiable even when not using the institutional authentication / authorisation service?
So before people are proclaiming the greatness of account linking as a technical solution to (optional) personalised access to institutionally licensed resources I'd like to see how the problems introduced that way should be dealt with, ideally consistently across Service Providers.
-peter _______________________________________________ FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Flists.daasi...
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