Hi all,
Today we (Raoul, Peter G. and me) had a call with EIFL (https://eifl.net/page/about ) representatives initiated by Romy Beard (cc) and several others from countries including Georgia. Several countries in eastern Europe and Africa are seeking to implement federated authentication & authorization infrastructure. This is a rather struggling task to build up NREN's like we are familiar with.
They would have like to hear the 'library voice' about this and that's why they found FIM4L. But they need some help or guidance to build the backbone of AAI. Raoul and Peter G. where kind to provide some helpful information.
It just triggers me that obviously not every country has the luxury of good working NREN's.
If there's anyone out there who is happy to help, you can contact Romy. She can connect you to appropriate persons.
All the best and stay healthy, Jos