* Nick Roy nroy@internet2.edu [2019-04-09 23:02]:
This group may want to consider creating a parallel entity category for access to electronic periodicals/other library resources.
Well, as long as the existing methods to express a service's data/attribute requirements suffice (i.e., RequestedAttribute and maybe NameIDFormat in SAML Metadata) I'm not sure a category is warranted.
Other than that: We've tried and made zero progress/inroads with that: https://wiki.refeds.org/display/ENT/Library-Affiliation (See the proposal in the comments about unifying the two categories/aspects discussed in the main wiki page)
But I'm happy to reopen that discussion, esp. if there are new insights or more concrete use-cases not satisfactorily being dealt with today coming from this group and/or out of the RA21 effort.