Dear all

Many thanks for all the nomination that we have received for the eduGAIN Steering Committee positions.  We have received a really great slate of nominations to put for vote, however the eduGAIN Steering Committee Terms of Reference states that "the eduGAIN Secretariat will ensure that the slate of nominees is diverse and representative of the eduGAIN community" and we would like to exercise that obligation before moving to vote.  We believe that the voting process could benefit from broader representation in the following fields:

* Gender diversity.  At the moment we only have one female nominee and believe this is not reflective of the community this committee seeks to represent.
* Representation from Africa.  We currently do not have a nominee from this region and would like to see that represented.
* Non-federation operator nominees.  As the community specifically asked us to ensure that non-federation operators were represented in decision making, we would like to increase the number of nominees in this space.

As such I am extending the nominations period until 17:00 CET on Friday 1st December to invite nominations that meet these under-represented groups.  Please do consider helping us address this balance.

Many thanks


Nicole Harris
Senior Trust and Security Manager 
T: +31 (0) 20 530 4488
M: +31 (0) 646 105395
Skype: harrisnv

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