Hi All,
@Mimi: Thanks a lot for this pointer.
Having now read https://www.ifla.org/files/assets/faife/publications/misc/educational_techno...
I think that although the major theme (collecting sensible data like eytracking in ELearning etc.) is not really connected to our subject space, there are some similarities with our personalisation case (collectiung activity data on epublisher platforms) and thus the IFLA recommendations in quoted text are noteworthy:
Some practical principles to uphold when seeking to influence decisions around how Edtech is used would include the following:
The design and adoption of data-intensive educational technologies should be subject to user and community feedback, and reflect high standards of data privacy and protection. Similarly, the adoption and continued use of such technology should at all times beful of the ethical and safety consideration discussed above.
Any collection of user data should be subject to informed consent and ethical guidelines, and strictly limited to the purpose defined. Adoption of data-intensive educational technologies needs a clear and narrow goal definition to avoid intrusive collection of user data where it is not strictly necessary. It may not be the case that a data -intensive technological solution is the best way to achieve this goal.
A meaningful choice not to engage should always be available to users; participation should be on an opt-in basis.
The security of collected data must be ensured, and data not shared with third parties without explicit consent.
Am 31.07.19 um 17:43 schrieb Mimi Calter:
This statement from IFLA is relevant for this group:
*Mimi Calter* Deputy University Librarian Stanford Libraries 101 Green Library Stanford, CA 94305-6004
office: +1-650-725-5813 cell: +1-650-799-4515 fax: +1-650-725-4902 skypename: mcalter e-mail: mcalter@stanford.edu mailto:mcalter@stanford.edu
FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l