Hi all,
you may like to take a part in this RA21 survey.
BR Jiri
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Julia Wallace julia@ra21.org Date: Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 5:02 PM Subject: Survey launched from the RA21 Hospital Clinical Access Library Working Group! To: announce@ra21.simplelists.com
Greetings from the STM RA21 Hospital Clinical Access Library Working Group https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fprotect-us.mimecast.com%2Fs%2FJ9dDCPNGpzIKn2LzizzdpE%3Fdomain%3Dra21.org&data=02%7C01%7CMichelle.Brewer%40wolterskluwer.com%7C88072c3d10804466c96508d69101fbf6%7C8ac76c91e7f141ffa89c3553b2da2c17%7C0%7C0%7C636855835062085208&sdata=JN%2BlwbtK00Ar%2BOw5h19MEAai8zBYP7FoEf%2Fbg7NuZ2M%3D&reserved=0 !
We are conducting a study to learn the particular challenges and needs of hospital, health systems, and/or health center/clinic libraries with regard to authentication, technical support, and library resource access. This link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RA21_Survey https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.surveymonkey.com%2Fr%2FRA21_Survey&data=02%7C01%7CMichelle.Brewer%40wolterskluwer.com%7C88072c3d10804466c96508d69101fbf6%7C8ac76c91e7f141ffa89c3553b2da2c17%7C0%7C0%7C636855835062095212&sdata=FFEuY4AWaZGMGT%2BOuivjgF8X0%2FlsxG2uUnNhWSzzQ48%3D&reserved=0 leads to an important survey comprised of about 20 questions. Can you help us?
Please participate in the survey If you are a librarian serving a hospital or health care institution or in academia serving any type of health care institution.
*If you choose to participate, you can also leave your contact information to be entered in a raffle to win one of four $50 Amazon gift cards. *The data you enter in the survey will be anonymized and will be used to inform: the final report of the “*RA21 Hospital Clinical Access Library Working Group,*” the work of the “*NISO RA21 Outreach Committee*” and a paper for MLA’s annual meeting in May, 2019.
Many stakeholders are working to set up best practices, a new authentication standard and guidelines that addresses the needs of 21st century information seekers. We need to hear from you, your perspective is vitally needed!
Thank you for your participation.
Please feel free to forward this message to your medical librarian colleagues.
Michelle Brewer, Librarian/Manager Market Intelligence, Wolters Kluwer ( michelle.brewer@wolterskluwer.com)
Don Hamparian, Senior Product Manager, OCLC
Catherine Dixon, MSLIS, Product Manager, Wolters Kluwer
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