Hi Jos, Hi JIri, hi all

just to let you know at the round table there was quite a lot of criticism of RA21 and thus on the implementation of SAML for scholarly publications which should be Open Access any way. A lot of people saw a political agenda of publishers behind RA21. SAML authentication, even if IdP sends no personal data to SP allows for user behaviour tracking and that might be the publishers interest to allow for things like "scholars who read this article also read that article". They would only need targetedID for that. I don't want to decide, whether such is a good thing or a bad thing, we should just be aware of it and may be put some languge about this in the proto-charter.

Thanks and cheers,


Am 23.01.2019 um 09:16 schrieb Jos Westerbeke:

Hi Peter,


thank you and have a nice trip! We will do our best to make a good start with FIM4L.




Are you fine with me welcoming and introducing the meeting tomorrow? We can discuss afterwards all together.


Then, I'll send an agenda to the participants:


- Welcome

- Introduction to the matter

- Time to discuss (see the 'proto charter' document)

- Next meeting


I can introduce already three new members. Two university librarians! (NL, DE) And one from our national federation SURFconext. And more to be expected!




From: Jiri Pavlik <jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz>
Date: Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 08:08
To: Peter <peter.gietz@daasi.de>
Cc: Boris Günthner <boris.guenthner@daasi.de>, Jos Westerbeke <jos.westerbeke@eur.nl>
Subject: Re: WG: FIM4L


Hi Peter,


thanks a lot, have a nice trip!






On Tue, 22 Jan 2019 at 20:48, Peter <peter.gietz@daasi.de> wrote:

Hi Jiri, hi Jos,

this was the invitation to participation, which was sent by the organizer of the round table.

Boris (Cc) maintains the fim4l list. Please indicate to him, whom to include into that list after you recieved responses.

I will be off-line the major part of the next three weeks.



-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------




Tue, 22 Jan 2019 09:15:54 +0000


Göttker, Susanne <Susanne.Goettker@ulb.hhu.de>


'roland.bertelmann@gfz-potsdam.de' <roland.bertelmann@gfz-potsdam.de>, geschuhn@mpdl.mpg.de <geschuhn@mpdl.mpg.de>, 'hillenkoetter@sub.uni-goettingen.de' <hillenkoetter@sub.uni-goettingen.de>, angela.holzer@dfg.de <angela.holzer@dfg.de>, Annette Klein (annette.klein@bib.uni-mannheim.de) <annette.klein@bib.uni-mannheim.de>, 'kostaedt@ub.uni-koeln.de' <kostaedt@ub.uni-koeln.de>, j.lazarus@zbw.eu <j.lazarus@zbw.eu>, b.mittermaier@fz-juelich.de <b.mittermaier@fz-juelich.de>, Nußbaumer, Martin (SCC) (martin.nussbaumer@kit.edu) <martin.nussbaumer@kit.edu>, 'bernd.oberknapp@ub.uni-freiburg.de' <bernd.oberknapp@ub.uni-freiburg.de>, 'pempe@dfn.de' <pempe@dfn.de>, 'hildegard.schaeffler@bsb-muenchen.de' <hildegard.schaeffler@bsb-muenchen.de>, frank.scholze@kit.edu <frank.scholze@kit.edu>, 'Michaela Selbach' <selbach@hbz-nrw.de>, 'alexander.poeche@tib.eu' <alexander.poeche@tib.eu>, 'helge.steenweg@ub.uni-stuttgart.de' <helge.steenweg@ub.uni-stuttgart.de>, andreas.steinsieck@gwlb.de <andreas.steinsieck@gwlb.de>, armin.talke@sbb.spk-berlin.de <armin.talke@sbb.spk-berlin.de>, 'marion.francken-welz@bib.uni-mannheim.de' <marion.francken-welz@bib.uni-mannheim.de>, 'Karl-Heinz.Weber@fiz-karlsruhe.de' <Karl-Heinz.Weber@fiz-karlsruhe.de>

Kopie (CC):

'jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz' <jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz>, 'jos.westerbeke@eur.nl' <jos.westerbeke@eur.nl>, 'peter.gietz@daasi.de' <peter.gietz@daasi.de>

Sehr geehrte Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer am Rundgespräch zu RA21 in der vergangenen Woche,
liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

während unseres Treffens berichtete Peter Gietz von FIM4L - Federated Identity Management for Libraries.
Bei der Frage, ob Sie an weiteren Informationen zu FIM4L interessiert sind, hatten Sie sich mehrheitlich gemeldet, weswegen ich Ihnen hiermit das Anschreiben von Herrn Gietz (s.u.) weiterleite.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Susanne Göttker

Dear participants of the round table discussion on RA21 in Berlin,
As was mentioned in named meeting, a new group called FIM4L is about to
forming itself that wants to promote the usage of SSO technologies as used by
eduGAIN within the library communities.
We are currently forming the group as a mailing list and are working on a text
we call proto-charter (see[1]).
As the round table was dedicated to exactly the same subject, I thought some of
you might be interested to join this group in its early stage.
At one point of time we will also have an announce mailing list, if you only want
to be updated on the work but not actively be involved.
A first meeting under the name of FIM4L is planned to take place on January
24th, which I will unfortunately miss because of a longer vacation:
The call will be held on Thursday January 24th 15:00-16:00 CET at https://meet.google.com/ppq-dqwn-zgo
So please indicate to Jos, Jiri and me,
* if you are willing to become active member
* if you will be able to join the virtual meeting on Thursday
* if you want to be kept updated about the working progress
It was wonderful for me to meet you all in Berlin and I hope to see some of you
again also in the frame of FIM4L.
Best regards,
Peter Gietz, CEO
DAASI International GmbH
Europaplatz 3
D-72072 Tübingen
phone: +49 7071 407109-0
fax:   +49 7071 407109-9
email: peter.gietz@daasi.de
web:   www.daasi.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Tübingen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 382175
Geschäftsleitung: Peter Gietz

Universitaets- und Landesbibliothek Duesseldorf
Susanne Goettker
Dezernentin Dezernat 3 / Medienbeschaffung & Medienbearbeitung

Universitaetsstrasse 1, Geb. 24.41
D-40225 Duesseldorf

Tel : 0211/81-12902
Fax : 0211/81-13977
Email: susanne.goettker@ulb.hhu.de


Peter Gietz (CEO)
DAASI International GmbH                   phone: +49 7071 407109-0
Europaplatz 3                              Fax:   +49 7071 407109-9
D-72072 Tübingen                           mail:  peter.gietz@daasi.de
Germany                                    Web:   www.daasi.de

DAASI International GmbH, Tübingen
Geschäftsführer Peter Gietz, Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 382175

Directory Applications for Advanced Security and Information Management