12 Apr
12 Apr
Dear all,
Thanks to those that already responded to the list I sent a couple of days before. I updated as I was told and put the list into the proto-charter document. I also added (where I knew it) the RA21 affiliation.
I reordered the institutions alphabetically (with the exception of putting LIBER and GEANT at the top of their respective group. But I can change that as well.
Only those 10 of 36 names marked with an asterisc* have consented their names to be published. That is not a lot. Please notify me asap, if you want or do not want to be listed on the web page eventually.
Peter Gietz, CEO
DAASI International GmbH
Europaplatz 3
D-72072 Tübingen
phone: +49 7071 407109-0
fax: +49 7071 407109-9
email: peter.gietz@daasi.de
web: www.daasi.de
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Tübingen
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, HRB 382175
Geschäftsleitung: Peter Gietz