Hi Ivo,
Thank you for joining the FIM4L initiative.
Jos Westerbeke Library IT specialist/manager | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Library | 3062 PA Rotterdam | jos.westerbeke@eur.nl | +31 640295513 ________________________________ From: FIM4L fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de on behalf of Zelis, Ivo (UB) ivo.zelis@maastrichtuniversity.nl Sent: 10 February 2021 08:58 To: 'fim4l@lists.daasi.de' fim4l@lists.daasi.de Subject: [Fim4l] Introduction Ivo Zelis FIM4L mailing list
Hi all,
This email is intended as my short introduction to the email list.
I am Ivo Zelis and I work as a Library Systems Admin and Collection Analyst at Maastricht University library.
We are interested in FIM4L since the tensions between one general manner of authentication and the maximum protection of the identity of our users is a topic that should be high on the agenda of libraries and publishers.
We believe this could be established by a collective consensus as is one of the goals of this initiative.
Further, I consent to having my name published on the website.
Met vriendelijke groet/Kind regards,
Ivo Zelis
Ivo Zelis MSc.
Library Systems & Collection Analyst
Werkdagen: Maandag t/m vrijdag