* Heather Flanagan hlf@sphericalcowconsulting.com [2019-04-04 16:01]:
Peter: Mailing list policies - the lists aren’t totally open, but the current policy is to let anyone who isn’t a spammer in. But would rather have the group decide whether that’s the right policy. How open should these two mailing lists be? Proposal: everyone who subscribes should be required to write a short introduction as to why they are joining. Jos: Right now, everyone knows everyone on the list, so requiring the introductions is a good idea. Peter: there are currently 31 members on the list. We can request that each of those people send an introduction, and those that don’t get removed from the list. Other Peter: if we could store those bios somewhere so that future people could also have that history and information about people on the list, that would be helpful.
Before you do that note that the list archives for this list are currently public: https://lists.daasi.de/pipermail/fim4l/
That may be intended (and IMO appropriate for the kinds of discussion I have witnessed or participated in so far) but how far you go with this depends on the level of (public) transprency you're after. So just mentioning it here to avoid surprises later.
-peter (yet another one, and not "the other one" from the notes either)