Hello Heather,
On 09/10/20 15:54, Heather Flanagan wrote:
Hello and welcome, Davide!
I’m not sure if you’re asking a question about what Clarivate is doing, if you’re asking if anyone has knowledge of other similar patterns, or if this is just an FYI?
Yes, good point. Well, the thing is that Clarivate's behavior is the exact opposite of the FIM4L recommendations, so I'd like the advice of this community in how to deal with this Publisher and possibly doing it not alone.
As Peter was pointing out, Clarivate's additional registration flow is breaking federated access and probably some contracts and privacy law as well, but I'd prefer to restrain from the legalities at least until it strictly necessary. Not to count that IDEM, as other identity federations, are not direct parties in this type of contracts.
Cheers, Davide
Heather Flanagan — Translator of Geek to Human https://sphericalcowconsulting.com On Oct 9, 2020, 2:45 AM -0700, Davide Vaghetti davide.vaghetti@garr.it, wrote:
Hello everyone,
I've sent this message to the FOG mailing list about Clarivate's InCites additional registration flow, but some Colleagues suggested that FIM4L would have been a better venue for the topic.
Regards, Davide
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: InCites now requires users to supply email address and create a new set of credentials Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 19:18:52 +0200 From: Davide Vaghetti davide.vaghetti@garr.it To: fog@lists.refeds.org
Hello everyone,
some IdP admins and Librarians alerted us about Clarivate's InCites requiring an additional users registration after the Institutional login. The flow is similar to what Elsevier introduced in sciencedirect, but then rolled back, last year:
- it starts on https://incites.clarivate.com
- a user select "Sign in" and then "Institutional (Shibboleth) Sign In"
- once the authN flow is finished, the user is requested to register an
email address and then to set a password to access InCites
As in the case of Elsevier, the above has not been anticipated in any way from Clarivate, which so far was letting users in with just a transient nameid and ePSA.
Regards, Davide -- Davide Vaghetti Consortium GARR Tel: +390502213158 Mobile: +393357779542 Skype: daserzw _______________________________________________ FIM4L mailing list FIM4L@lists.daasi.de http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l