On 11 Apr 2019, at 19:20, Peter Schober peter.schober@univie.ac.at wrote:
- Owen Iyoha owen@eko-konnect.org.ng [2019-04-11 20:06]:
We have started using the eduid.africa infrastructure [...]
Since eduid.africa has been mentioned a few times now: The WHOIS database suggests that this service is run by WACREN but the "privacy policy" for the service hasn't been updated yet:
"This service is operated by XXX, registered in Country. For any questions about data protection, do not hesitate to contact us at privacy@example.org." -- https://eduid.africa/privacypolicy
Since there's no sign of any responsible party or operator anywhere else on the site either that doesn't create the best first impression.
It is a work stream of the African regional RENs as part of the AfricaConnect project. Work in progress that will be sorted out. Thanks for drawing attention to it.