Dear All
As we start the new year, it is time to open nominations for seats on the REFEDS Steering Committee. We have three seats up for new terms - a reminder that there are no term limits for the REFEDS SC so existing members are welcome to run again. The full details are here: https://refeds.org/about/participants https://refeds.org/about/participants. Nominees must be supported by a sponsor, but we will take care of sharing any nominations with the sponsor list.
We are always keen to have members from all parties interested in REFEDS so I am sharing this with FIM4R and FIM4L - please feel free to share on!
If you have any questions please let me know, otherwise please send your nominations or self nominations to either me or Heather.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Nicole -- Nicole Harris Senior Trust and Security Manager GÉANT T: +31 (0) 20 530 4488 M: +31 (0) 646 105395 Skype: harrisnv
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