Please allow me to add something to this discussion.


"The university students and staff are free to use personalisation at Lexis Nexis,
Elsevier, EBSCO, ProQuest services if they want to so
  eduPersonScopedAffiliation (required)
  eduPersonEntitlement  (required)
  eduPersonTargetedID (optional)..."

The students and staff can only use personalization when the IdP releases ePTID (or pairwiseID), otherwise they can't. I am not sure that this is clear from the metadata nor that the labels we use to describe the required attributes are very clear on what 'optional' means.


For example, when a student accesses ScienceDirect they can read subscribed articles whether or not ePTID has been released for them, but if they want to 'create account' because they would like to save searches, alerts or their search history, they can only do that if the IdP has released a persistent identifier for them. Otherwise they can't, because there's nothing in their SAML assertions that allows us to recognize the returning individual. So we are working towards requiring a persistent ID. The personalization remains optional for the user.


That may not be the same for other SPs, but it is valid for Elsevier.


Kind regards,





Meshna Koren

Product Manager II

Product Management - Identity and Access - Research Products


Elsevier BV

Radarweg 29, Amsterdam 1043 NX, The Netherlands


Federated Access - SAML, Shibboleth, Corporate SSO, OpenAthens, Institutional Login


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From: FIM4L <> On Behalf Of Jiri Pavlik
Sent: Sunday, March 14, 2021 15:28
To: Bernd Oberknapp <>
Subject: Re: [Fim4l] LexisNexis Advance


*** External email: use caution ***


Hi Bernd,

I see,
  eduPersonScopedAffiliation (required)
  eduPersonEntitlement  (required)
is working for Freiburg University and
  eduPersonScopedAffiliation (required)
  eduPersonEntitlement  (required)
  eduPersonTargetedID (required)
is not.

The university students and staff are free to use personalisation at Lexis Nexis,
Elsevier, EBSCO, ProQuest services if they want to so
  eduPersonScopedAffiliation (required)
  eduPersonEntitlement  (required)
  eduPersonTargetedID (optional)
is working for the University as well.

Is it correct?

All the best




On Sat, Mar 13, 2021 at 2:40 PM Bernd Oberknapp <> wrote:

Hi Jiri,

On 13.03.21 09:15, Jiri Pavlik wrote:

 > When checking ProQuest SP for ProQuest Central in DFN-AAI metadata [1]
 > I can see both eduPersonEntitlement and eduPersonTargetedID as required
 > attributes.

I assume you mean the SP  That's obviously
wrong, both eduPersonScopedAffiliation and eduPersonEntitlement are
supported for authorization, but as far as I can tell you don't have to
use them, and eduPersonTargetedID isn't required.

 > Is it safe to assume that if there is personalisation capability at a
 > library service then all German universities, libraries are fine with
 > releasing eduPersonTargetedID for recognising returning users and
 > eduPersonEntitlement, eduPersonScopedAffiliation for authorisation?

No. I can't speak for other IdPs, but in my opinion that approach would
be wrong, users by default should be able to use services anonymously,
without being recognized as a returning user. Based on what I can see in
the admin tools, only a very small percentage of our users actually uses
the personalization features, so releasing eduPersonTargetedID by
default just for personalization isn't an option. If publishers would
force us to send an eduPersonTargetedID just for personalization I would
consider dropping Shibboleth for those publishers and using our EZproxy

Best regards,

Bernd Oberknapp
Gesamtleitung ReDI

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Platz der Universität 2 | Postfach 1629
D-79098 Freiburg        | D-79016 Freiburg

Telefon:  +49 761 203-3852
Telefax:  +49 761 203-3987

Elsevier B.V. Registered Office: Radarweg 29, 1043 NX Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Registration No. 33158992, Registered in The Netherlands.