* Jiri Pavlik jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz [2019-07-24 10:53]:
On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 3:57 PM Peter Schober peter.schober@univie.ac.at wrote:
From a quick look that's a bit more than a third of our IDPs (19 out of 55 production IDPs), which still is higher than the current count in eduGAIN (720 out of 3062, so less than a fourth of the IDPs).
I can see a way ahead here:
- Encourage IdPs to release persistent NameID for Elsevier SP.
We've been doing that all along, which brought us to the current status quo you quoted above (about 2/3 of our IDPs not supporting persistent NameIDs, nor their modern-day replacement, pairwise-id). Not sure what else we should do. So any good ideas about steps "ahead" stop right there: We tried your step 1, but that only brought us 1/3 of the IDPs (plus the estimated number of false negatives).
We might be able to introduce a few high-visibility (non-library) SPs that require/mandate use of pairwise-id and so would help widen adoption. (For eduPersonTargetedID that comes too late, I wouldn't want to promote new deployments of that.) But then we'd have a hypothetical 100% of IDPs supporting pairwise-id against roughly 0% of (library) SPs supporting it, so that also wouldn't change anything even medium-term.