Dear all,
This week FIM4L goes public as a LIBER working group.
Please find us at: https://libereurope.eu/strategy/research-infrastructures/fim4l/
With this LIBER working group, FIM4L spins off a European library representative initiative. With this mandate we hope to support European libraries and libraries worldwide to adopt guidelines and recommendations.
We will keep our FIM4L email list members updated (+50 worldwide) and appreciate their comments.
The first to work on is to get our FIM4L Guidelines and recommendationshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1pIaEXfw9ZWnXM4p6Dd2Lri7RFWKgr7ObKLEGfUy2nck/edit (draft) being published.
With the help of you all, which, of course, would be very appreciated!
cheers, Jos
PS: By forwarding this message; people with interest can subscribe to the FIM4L email list at: http://lists.daasi.de/listinfo/fim4l