Re: [Fim4l] Hello and brief intro

Hi Chris.
Welcome, great you’re on board ...
Not to ‘welcome’ you with a potential unpleasant discussion, and i do not know what you heard about the discussion after people saw what buttons Elsevier has put online at ScienceDirect, but: do you see any possibiity to either roll back the changes in access/sign in-buttons to a previous version (and maybe 1st have a discussion with people in the identity and access management field, or fix the current situation? Or is this a case of Elsevier balancing all aspects, of which ‘strategies to make money’ of course is one, which leads to, accorinding to many in our field, the strange current UI/UX? Redefining ‘access’ and ‘sign in’, and argumenting that it’s just a matter of users getting used to that, sounds a bit ... ‘unreal’...
With kindest regards, met vriendelijke groet,
Raoul tel:+31641195989
On 06/09/2019, 21:15, "FIM4L on behalf of Shillum, Chris (ELS-NYC)" < on behalf of> wrote:
Hi All
My name’s Chris Shillum. I’m VP of Identity Management and Platform Strategy at Elsevier, looking after Elsevier’s access management system among other things. I’m also a member of the governance group and we co-chair of the RA21 project.
I’ve been involved in federated authentication for many years and looking forward for joining the discussions of this group
Happy for my name and affiliation to be published on the website.
Cheers Chris
_________________________ Chris Shillum VP Identity and Platform Strategy ELSEVIER | Research Products
+1 212 462 1987 office +1 646 250 8029 mobile

Dear Chris,
could you let us know, please, once currently planned changes in sign in at Science Direct are in place?
It is great to have you and Meshna at FIM4L so we can work together and make sure that ScienceDirect, Scopus and other other Elsevier services follow FIM4L recommendations in the best way possible.
All the best
On Sat, Sep 7, 2019 at 2:05 PM Raoul Teeuwen wrote:
Hi Chris.
Welcome, great you’re on board ...
Not to ‘welcome’ you with a potential unpleasant discussion, and i do not know what you heard about the discussion after people saw what buttons Elsevier has put online at ScienceDirect, but: do you see any possibiity to either roll back the changes in access/sign in-buttons to a previous version (and maybe 1st have a discussion with people in the identity and access management field, or fix the current situation? Or is this a case of Elsevier balancing all aspects, of which ‘strategies to make money’ of course is one, which leads to, accorinding to many in our field, the strange current UI/UX? Redefining ‘access’ and ‘sign in’, and argumenting that it’s just a matter of users getting used to that, sounds a bit ... ‘unreal’...
With kindest regards, met vriendelijke groet,
On 06/09/2019, 21:15, "FIM4L on behalf of Shillum, Chris (ELS-NYC)" < on behalf of> wrote:
Hi All
My name’s Chris Shillum. I’m VP of Identity Management and Platform Strategy at Elsevier, looking after Elsevier’s access management system among other things. I’m also a member of the governance group and we co-chair of the RA21 project.
I’ve been involved in federated authentication for many years and looking forward for joining the discussions of this group
Happy for my name and affiliation to be published on the website.
Chris Shillum
VP Identity and Platform Strategy
ELSEVIER | Research Products
+1 212 462 1987 office
+1 646 250 8029 mobile
FIM4L mailing list
Teilnehmer (2)
Jiri Pavlik
Raoul Teeuwen