Fwd: Open invitation to participate in the Seamless Access Entity Category and Attribute Bundles Working Group

Hola a todos!
Some of you will have seen this invitation via other lists; apologies for the duplication of so.
But if you haven’t seen it, it’s an invitation to participate in a new working group to discuss and define attribute release. This is broader than just publisher/library (we’re very much hoping to see research participation as well); anyone interested in scholarly information sharing via FIM is more than welcome to participate.
Drop me a note by 15 October 2019 if you are interested in what I hope will be a very active working group!
Begin forwarded message:
From: Heather Flanagan heather@seamlessaccess.org Subject: Open invitation to participate in the Seamless Access Entity Category and Attribute Bundles Working Group
As the world comes back from summer (and winter) breaks, it’s time to pick up the question that the RA21 project noted as a future task: appropriate attribute release. To that end, SeamlessAccess.Org http://seamlessaccess.org/ is pulling together a working group of individuals to discuss and define what attributes are appropriate to release to allow for different the varying use cases of access to scholarly information resources. We are particularly hoping for participants with experience of the challenges and issues involved in managing attribute release at an educational institution from either the library, institutional IT, or federation operator perspectives.
The draft charter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VB-REjGagr0kDTjp4kFEN1Z6OKWC_d6bisClImJEmRo/edit?usp=sharing (which the working group will finish) states:
The purpose of this working group is to define and promote a set of attribute release profiles and associated entity categories applicable to the access of scholarly information resources and services in the context of federated authentication.
The group will identity one or more categories of scholarly information resources with regards to use cases involving anonymity, personalization, library walk-ins, hospital/clinical settings, research collaborations, and corporate libraries. The group will then define standard attribute release policies and attribute sets applicable to each category, and ways for SPs to signal, via entity categories, when the release of such attribute sets are appropriate. The goal is to have these and profiles adopted and/or endorsed by global research and education federations, library communities, and other stakeholder groups. —
This committee will exist for the duration of the beta-development and -deployment phase of SeamlessAccess.Org http://seamlessaccess.org/. At the conclusion of the beta phase, the governance group will determine what kind of structure, including all sub-committees, should exist for any future production services, which might include the continuation of this group.
The group will be asked to come up with initial recommendations by 31 December 2019. The second half of the beta phase (which runs through 30 June 2020) will be refining the initial recommendations and soliciting buy in from relevant communities to start implementing and/or endorsing the profiles.
If you are interested in participating in this working group, please contact me, Heather Flanagan <heather@seamlessaccess.org mailto:heather@seamlessaccess.org>, by 15 October 2019, and I will add you to the appropriate Google Group. We will have a kick off meeting in October, and expect active discussion on the group mailing list.
Thank you for your consideration!
Teilnehmer (1)
Heather Flanagan