FIM4L Newsletter - June 2021

Hello everyone,
I hope you're doing well! Hereby a brief update about FIM4L activities.
---------- FIM4L is a non-profit initiative led by libraries with the main purpose of creating and maintaining recommendations for configuring federated SSO authentication for library e-resources in the most privacy preserving way. It has a working group under the umbrella of LIBER, currently the base of FIM4L. FIM4L recommendations are published at the FIM4L website and the Zenodo platform. Please join our Mailing List for information and discussions. ----------
* LIBER 2021 conference; lighting talk by Jos, June 23 • 11:00 - 12:30 CEST * UKSG webinar, presentation and panel discussion; Lee, Heather, Kelechi (Elsevier), Jos. 14 July, 15:00 hr. CEST. * IFLA WLIC 2021 17-19 Aug.; presentation by Peter Gietz and Jos * We plan to submit a proposal for the UKSG 2022 annual conference.
Endorsement of FIM4L recommendations
The following research library associations are supporting the FIM4L principles & recommendations:
* Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL-ABRC), * Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), * LIBER, * Research Libraries UK (RLUK)
Towards a second version of FIM4L recommendations
We are working on a second version of FIM4L recommendations. Comments are more than welcome. It's open for "anyone with the link" to comment. (FIM4L members have/can get edit rights, please let me know.)
The new version will be aligned with the new entity categories: FIM4L principle 4.A "transitory access" will meet REFEDS Anonymous Authorisation and FIM4L principle 4.B "personalized access" will meet REFEDS Pseudonymous Authorisation
Especially 4.B is rewritten and the biggest change perhaps is that we introduced an "opt-out" option to not release a persistent identifier, while having the 4.B configuration in place. This enables us to recommend 4.B as the preferred configuration.
We now have every two weeks a meeting of FIM4L on Tuesdays 16:00 hr, CEST. Rob (Duke University) and Ken (Internet2) and Heather (Seamless Access) joined our meetings and we talked about CAR software. CAR could be beneficial for implementing user consent on attribute release. Next meeting the second version of recommendations is on the agenda. If you would like to join, please let me know.
Raoul Teeuwen changed jobs and unfortunately had to leave FIM4L. We thank him for his great efforts!
All the best, Jos
Jos Westerbeke Library IT specialist/manager | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Library | 3062 PA Rotterdam | | +31 640295513

Dear all,
there will be a chance to suggest REFEDS changes in Anonymous Authorisation and Pseudonymous Authorisation entity categories by end of June / beginning July if you feel there are some issues in new FIM4L v1.1 recommendation [1] which should be fixed be amending the two new REFEDS entity categories.
Many thanks Jos for the news.
Have a nice weekend everyone
On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 2:08 PM Jos Westerbeke wrote:
Hello everyone,
I hope you're doing well! Hereby a brief update about FIM4L activities.
FIM4L is a non-profit initiative led by libraries with the main purpose of creating and maintaining recommendations for configuring federated SSO authentication for library e-resources in the most privacy preserving way. It has a working group under the umbrella of LIBER, currently the base of FIM4L. FIM4L recommendations are published at the FIM4L website and the Zenodo platform. Please join our Mailing List for information and discussions.
- LIBER 2021 conference; lighting talk Jos, June 23 • 11:00 - 12:30 CEST
- UKSG webinar, presentation and panel discussion; Lee, Heather,
Kelechi (Elsevier), Jos. 14 July, 15:00 hr. CEST.
- IFLA WLIC 2021 17-19 Aug.;
presentation by Peter Gietz and Jos
- We plan to submit a proposal for the UKSG 2022 annual conference.
*Endorsement of FIM4L recommendations*
The following research library associations are supporting the FIM4L principles & recommendations:
- Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL-ABRC)
- Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL)
- LIBER*, *
- Research Libraries UK (RLUK)*.*
*Towards a second version of FIM4L recommendations*
We are working on a second version of FIM4L recommendations. Comments are more than welcome. It's open for "anyone with the link" to comment. (FIM4L members have/can get edit rights, please let me know.)
The new version will be aligned with the new entity categories: FIM4L principle 4.A "transitory access" will meet REFEDS Anonymous Authorisation and FIM4L principle 4.B "personalized access" will meet REFEDS Pseudonymous Authorisation
Especially 4.B is rewritten and the biggest change perhaps is that we introduced an "opt-out" option to not release a persistent identifier, while having the 4.B configuration in place. This enables us to recommend 4.B as the preferred configuration.
We now have every two weeks a meeting of FIM4L on Tuesdays 16:00 hr, CEST. Rob (Duke University) and Ken (Internet2) and Heather (Seamless Access) joined our meetings and we talked about CAR software. CAR could be beneficial for implementing user consent on attribute release. Next meeting the second version of recommendations is on the agenda. If you would like to join, please let me know.
Raoul Teeuwen changed jobs and unfortunately had to leave FIM4L. We thank him for his great efforts!
All the best,
Jos Westerbeke
Library IT specialist/manager | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, Library | 3062 PA Rotterdam | | +31 640295513
FIM4L mailing list
Teilnehmer (2)
Jiri Pavlik
Jos Westerbeke