Survey for people working in IT or library in higher education and research

Hi all.
As employee of Dutch NREN SURF, i'm currenlty a member of the Seamless Access Outreach team.
Seamless Access, the non-profit that is trying to improve ways students etc access publisher content (and maybe more), would like to better understand the knowledge and use of federated technology in libraries and IT at institutions. For that, they would like people from IT and libraries to fill out the a short survey.
Could you help get this out to institutions in as many countries and institutions, ideally to someone/people that help get the below message not only in the hands of either IT or library, but both?
Thank you.
example message you could forward to institutions in your national federation
This message is relevant for people that work in institutions for higher education and research, all over the world, both people from the library department and IT department. Is that you: please read on. Not you? Please forward this message to a colleague, relevant mailing list where the intended audience meets etc
Over the last couple of years, many things have changed around how students and researchers access publisher content. Access based on IP-address doesn’t suffice anymore. Seamless Access, a non-profit collaboration of librarians, HigherEd IT and publishers, is trying to improve current access challenges.
Understanding the situation in institutions helps Seamless Access deliver the best solutions. They hope as many people from institutions around the world fill out:
a) a short questionnaire for people working in a library in an institution for higher education or research:
b) a short questionnaire for people working in IT in an institution for higher education or research:
We hope you fill out a survey right away as not to forget it, but you can send in your entry until March 27th. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.
In case you want to know where we have shared these surveys, please see
Thank you for your time and cooperation, with kindest regards,
Seamless Access.

Hi Raoul
I’m happy to pass this on to UK institutions.
All the best Caroline
Caroline Checkley Digital Systems and Services Librarian Library Services University of Essex
T 01206 873176 E ►
WE ARE ESSEX TOP 20 FOR RESEARCH EXCELLENCE TEF GOLD 2017 QAP WINNER 2017 [cid:image001.png@01D5DFE9.A12506B0] [cid:image002.png@01D5DFE9.A12506B0][cid:image002.png@01D0D68E.293825B0][cid:image008.jpg@01D31670.FBB863F0]
From: FIM4L On Behalf Of Raoul Teeuwen Sent: 10 February 2020 07:22 To: Subject: [Fim4l] Survey for people working in IT or library in higher education and research
Hi all.
As employee of Dutch NREN SURF, i'm currenlty a member of the Seamless Access Outreach team.
Seamless Access, the non-profit that is trying to improve ways students etc access publisher content (and maybe more), would like to better understand the knowledge and use of federated technology in libraries and IT at institutions. For that, they would like people from IT and libraries to fill out the a short survey.
Could you help get this out to institutions in as many countries and institutions, ideally to someone/people that help get the below message not only in the hands of either IT or library, but both?
Thank you.
example message you could forward to institutions in your national federation
This message is relevant for people that work in institutions for higher education and research, all over the world, both people from the library department and IT department. Is that you: please read on. Not you? Please forward this message to a colleague, relevant mailing list where the intended audience meets etc
Over the last couple of years, many things have changed around how students and researchers access publisher content. Access based on IP-address doesn’t suffice anymore. Seamless Access,1,YjtUBlLSt-vmQiD2WOdVCIUBAEaoWRJlE1ytxgnNq35rcfxjvl_laB8y5v5CCF9Mfved4iRrRaq4hysdcvyHA6KSSt_WQcxtSsHIepTUY_WgGydA&typo=1, a non-profit collaboration of librarians, HigherEd IT and publishers, is trying to improve current access challenges.
Understanding the situation in institutions helps Seamless Access deliver the best solutions. They hope as many people from institutions around the world fill out:
a) a short questionnaire for people working in a library in an institution for higher education or research:
b) a short questionnaire for people working in IT in an institution for higher education or research:
We hope you fill out a survey right away as not to forget it, but you can send in your entry until March 27th. Thank you very much for your time and cooperation.
In case you want to know where we have shared these surveys, please see .
Thank you for your time and cooperation, with kindest regards,
Seamless Access.
Teilnehmer (2)
Checkley, Caroline R
Raoul Teeuwen