Re: [Fim4l] FIM4L call 24Feb2020 notes

Hi Friedel,
Thank you for this. I also think it would be good to first resolve our own amendments.
Here's my bet:
Par1, comment 1 and 3: replace "customers of scholarly libraries" with: "authorized users of institutions for higher education and research"
=== rest will follow...
I'll send you more after 15:00hr. Maybe you can call me then, to do it together?
Or jump on with Raoul?
I'm now for one hour in a meeting.
cheers, Jos | +31 640295513
On 27/02/2020, 10:10, "Friedel Grant" <> wrote:
Good morning everyone –
I started the process of cleaning up comments, in order to launch the consultation process. What I have just discovered is that I can’t selectively delete comments (e.g. test messages). I can either leave them all in place (which looks messy with all the tests), or delete all comments in order to start the consultation with a clean sheet.
My feeling is that the best option is to start with a clean sheet.
I’ve addressed the easy issues already (e.g., adding links, fixing typos). The attached spreadsheet contains the paragraphs/comments which need your input (remarks from me in red bold). Can the group discuss and agree on edits? If so, I will implement the new wording and then delete all comments for the start of the official consultation.
Kind regards,
Van: Jos Westerbeke [] Verzonden: maandag 24 februari 2020 15:37 Aan: Onderwerp: FIM4L call 24Feb2020 notes
Hi all,
Here you find some notes of the latest call.
We finished the blogpost for the LIBER website to announce the Recommendations for public comments.
We decided to use discuto as a platform with on top of it (when needed because of a bug) a note that you first have to login before giving comments. And the ability to download a PDF file that can be used to send back to LIBER with comments.
Friedel will set this up, coming Thursday.
Jos will prepare an email to send to the broader FIM4L listserv when setup is ready.
The announcement would be distributed on: - LIBER website and members (Friedel) - FIM4L list (Jos) - IFLA (Jos) - Channels by Leonidas. (Greece) - Channels by Lee. (UK) - etc. etc.
About the website. The idea is to have an dedicated website for FIM4L with address Jos will set up a working document to describe the website and its content. Leonidas noted that HEAL-Link is familiar with WordPress and is likely willing to host a FIM4L website. (Thanks Leonidas!)
Seamless Access update: They are working on designing a new entity category for libraries, or maybe more entities. (Like R&S category There is still a discussion going on. And a survey is send out to IT and library people about federated authentication and cooperation between IT dept. and Libraries in organizations.
A presentation at IFLA is a good idea. There are valuable network opportunities. Peter G. showed interest earlier. Leonidas maybe. Jos will look for possibilities. (Proposal deadline 15 March.)
Thank you all! And all the best, Jos
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Jos Westerbeke