Dear all,
Thank you all for your time and input yesterday in our first meeting!
We had a good conversation. One of the points I picked up, is that it would be necessary to have an easy to read document which lays out the problem we are working on. So, I tried to translate it into a first draft of what I called "Problem Statement".
Feel free to correct it and/or put comments on it. I put it into the same document: (We can pull it out it later.) https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EllwItlnB3fYhJ2ZNpX6Z1gUfF1948ORRvtbIA_...
Jiri will send you a new doodle meeting proposal.
Thank you all and have a good weekend!
kind regards, Jos
From: Jos Westerbeke jos.westerbeke@eur.nl Date: Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 14:20 To: "Boheemen, Peter van" peter.vanboheemen@wur.nl, Sander Engelberts sander.engelberts@oclc.org, Licia Florio licia.florio@geant.org, Peter peter.gietz@daasi.de, Leif Johansson leifj@sunet.se, Vasso Kalaitzi Vasso.Kalaitzi@kb.nl, Barbara Monticini barbara.monticini@garr.it, Bernd Oberknapp bo@ub.uni-freiburg.de, Jiri Pavlik jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz, Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen@surfnet.nl, Astrid Verheusen A.Verheusen@kb.nl Subject: FIM4L meeting Thursday Jan 24 2019
Dear participant of the FIM4L workgroup, and those who are interested,
Welcome to our meeting:
Thursday January 24th 15:00-16:00 CET at https://meet.google.com/ppq-dqwn-zgo
* Welcome
* Introduction to the matter
* Time to discuss (see the 'proto charter' documenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/17EllwItlnB3fYhJ2ZNpX6Z1gUfF1948ORRvtbIA_l88/edit) * Next meeting
We already have an email list for this group, but for now I thought it would be good to know each other's email address.
The aim of this workgroup is to make recommendations regarding the establishments of SSO connections and a reference for publishers. Libraries want to provide access to scholarly content based on anonymity. We can make the right connections based on federated SSO if both parties, libraries and publishers, understand the problem. Especially regarding privacy.
We are very happy that there's a lot interest already in this bottom up starting workgroup! Together we can make the libraries voice clear.
And I am very pleased to invite you to this meeting.
With kind regards, Jos
Jos Westerbeke Library IT Specialist / Demandmanager | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Library | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 | 3062PA Rotterdam | jos.westerbeke@eur.nlmailto:jos.westerbeke@eur.nl | +31 640295513

Dear Jos,
Thank you so much for putting this together! I will try to work on this in the coming days as well.
Have a nice weekend everyone.
Best, V.
From: Fim4l [mailto:fim4l-bounces@lists.daasi.de] On Behalf Of Jos Westerbeke Sent: vrijdag 25 januari 2019 13:45 To: fim4l@lists.daasi.de Subject: Re: [Fim4l] FIM4L meeting Thursday Jan 24 2019
Dear all,
Thank you all for your time and input yesterday in our first meeting!
We had a good conversation. One of the points I picked up, is that it would be necessary to have an easy to read document which lays out the problem we are working on. So, I tried to translate it into a first draft of what I called "Problem Statement".
Feel free to correct it and/or put comments on it. I put it into the same document: (We can pull it out it later.) https://docs.google.com/document/d/17EllwItlnB3fYhJ2ZNpX6Z1gUfF1948ORRvtbIA_...
Jiri will send you a new doodle meeting proposal.
Thank you all and have a good weekend!
kind regards, Jos
From: Jos Westerbeke jos.westerbeke@eur.nl Date: Wednesday, 23 January 2019 at 14:20 To: "Boheemen, Peter van" peter.vanboheemen@wur.nl, Sander Engelberts sander.engelberts@oclc.org, Licia Florio licia.florio@geant.org, Peter peter.gietz@daasi.de, Leif Johansson leifj@sunet.se, Vasso Kalaitzi Vasso.Kalaitzi@kb.nl, Barbara Monticini barbara.monticini@garr.it, Bernd Oberknapp bo@ub.uni-freiburg.de, Jiri Pavlik jiri.pavlik@mzk.cz, Raoul Teeuwen raoul.teeuwen@surfnet.nl, Astrid Verheusen A.Verheusen@kb.nl Subject: FIM4L meeting Thursday Jan 24 2019
Dear participant of the FIM4L workgroup, and those who are interested,
Welcome to our meeting:
Thursday January 24th 15:00-16:00 CET at https://meet.google.com/ppq-dqwn-zgo
* Welcome
* Introduction to the matter
* Time to discuss (see the 'proto charter' documenthttps://docs.google.com/document/d/17EllwItlnB3fYhJ2ZNpX6Z1gUfF1948ORRvtbIA_l88/edit) * Next meeting
We already have an email list for this group, but for now I thought it would be good to know each other's email address.
The aim of this workgroup is to make recommendations regarding the establishments of SSO connections and a reference for publishers. Libraries want to provide access to scholarly content based on anonymity. We can make the right connections based on federated SSO if both parties, libraries and publishers, understand the problem. Especially regarding privacy.
We are very happy that there's a lot interest already in this bottom up starting workgroup! Together we can make the libraries voice clear.
And I am very pleased to invite you to this meeting.
With kind regards, Jos
Jos Westerbeke Library IT Specialist / Demandmanager | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Library | Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 | 3062PA Rotterdam | jos.westerbeke@eur.nlmailto:jos.westerbeke@eur.nl | +31 640295513
Teilnehmer (2)
Jos Westerbeke
Vasso Kalaitzi