Dear participants of FIM4L,
This week we (Jiri, Peter G, Raoul and me) have finished the Charter document and now it is ready to be published.
We have a new public version: FIM4L charter - public version. New URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11KpYa84AsgWjiKnnRr1r6_zH2ynN9kv3pNP2hRvd...
Could you please check this version for a latest edit eventually?
It is now a draft version 1.0 and we will publish it within a week or two in PDF format on the website. And remove the draft status. When published, the version on Google Docs will stay there for collecting public comments.
An update of the website fim4l.org is on the way.
We keep the old versionhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/17EllwItlnB3fYhJ2ZNpX6Z1gUfF1948ORRvtbIA_l88/edit for internal use.
We also edited and cleaned up our other document, the FIM4L guidelines and recommendationshttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1pIaEXfw9ZWnXM4p6Dd2Lri7RFWKgr7ObKLEGfUy2nck/edit. And will make it ready for publishing.
Thank you all for the work already done!
Teilnehmer (1)
Jos Westerbeke