Financial Times requires users to supply email address etc.

Hi all,
The message below about FT was sent to internal LIBER FIM4L working group list. Appropriate to share it on the general FIM4L listserv.
We will reach out to FT as FIM4L group, showing our recommendations.
Best, Jos
________________________________ From: Jos Westerbeke Sent: 16 November 2020 10:21 To: Jiri Pavlik; Raoul Teeuwen Cc: Subject: Re: InCites now requires users to supply email address and create a new set of credentials
Hi Raoul, all,
Erasmus also has a license by Financial Times.
We began talks in 2018 which lasted a year (!) and ended up in using just IP based access with option to register personally by email and a lot of PII.
I spoke with FT account manager personally and emailed with FT SSO specialists. But we couldn't come to a solution. At that time, July 2019, I need to say.
The reason was obvious and understandable: They wouldn't make the change in their SSO solution for our university, which impacted thier clients all over the world.
Another difficulty here, FT is a commercial party with its own business. They do not so feel the typical library policy about providing information for academic and social interests. So, in the end we set up a personal contract between FT and Erasmus university.
BTW, FT pushed us to use SSO. But we could make it with IP based access "as long as FT does not provide good SSO"😉
I think now it's the time to go to FT as a FIM4L/library community. That hopefully will make more sense.
So I think yes, good idea to reach out to FT.
@Jiri: I'll ask a colleague from Tilburg Uni.
@Raoul: can we share this on the general FIM4L list?
Best, Jos
________________________________ From: Jiri Pavlik Sent: 16 November 2020 09:40 To: Raoul Teeuwen Cc: Subject: Re: InCites now requires users to supply email address and create a new set of credentials
Hi Raoul,
Thanks for bringing FT to attention. IMHO there should be a Seamless Access sign-in button at FT Sign in page and Seamless Access WAYF. E-mail address, name, occupation, phone number should be optional, not mandatory to fill in for personalisation after institutional sign in. eduPersonEntitlement should be used for authorization.
Maybe Jos knows colleagues from Tilburg University who will be happy to join FIM4L and pass FIM4L recommendations to FT. I am not aware of any FT subscribers in Czech Republic unfortunately. Or maybe Stefan Paetow may be interested to approach FT since the SP is registered in eduGAIN via UK Federation
Best regards
On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 12:34 AM Raoul Teeuwen <> wrote:
Is this another scenario like Clarivate? Anyone with institutional access to ft.com that can test? A colleague of mine also studies at one of our Dutch universities. They have a subscription to the Financial Times. He accessed ft.com, authenticated via the university and was presented this:
The connection to ft.com is configured to only release eduPersonTargetedID. If he clicks the blue sign in button, he gets this:
Clicking SSO presents the former screen.
Kindest regards, met vriendelijke groet,
Raoul Teeuwen
Teilnehmer (1)
Jos Westerbeke