Dear all
Jisc is setting up an advisory steering group for the UK federation (Single Sign On access and authentication via Shibboleth and OpenAthens etc) and they would like FIM4l to be a part of this.
Personally I’m struggling to keep up with the discussions that have been occurring on the FIM4l list I’m not sure I would be the best person.
The terms of reference are as follows:
Jisc is establishing an advisory steering group to support the development of the UK federation. The aim is to provide advice and guidance on service and development priorities within the UK federation and complimentary aspects of the Jisc Trust & Identity area through a process that identifies and responds to UKf stakeholder needs and supports the implementation of the Jisc Strategic Plan (https://www.jisc.ac.uk/about/corporate/strategy).
We hope we can include members from representative bodies such as UCISA, SCONUL, CILIP, National & Public libraries, Publishers Association, REFEDS as well as operational members of the academic library, research, IT and MIS communities. We anticipate the group being comprised of around 12-20 members and WILL NOT inherently have a technical focus. We are contacting the bodies above directly; however, we welcome individuals to put themselves forward if they participate in any of the sectors mentioned. The Advisory group will meet physically twice a year (with video conferencing as an option), however there is an expectation that offline discussion will occur as subjects arise. We hope to have the first meeting of the group on Tuesday October 8th in London and UKFADVISORYGROUP@JISCMAIL.AC.UKmailto:UKFADVISORYGROUP@JISCMAIL.AC.UK will be available as a discussion list.
Terms of reference will be developed in consultation with participants however they are likely to include; • Provide advice and focus for the UK federation, designed to lower the cost of access and identity management, improve user experience and engage with future evolution. • Facilitate debate and where appropriate action to help support the community in its access and authentication requirements, reflecting the changing needs of said community and supporting the alignment of Jisc T&I activity with stakeholder need. • Work in collaboration with the rest of Jisc to support innovative T&I activity and act as a sounding board for new ideas and developments relating to Jisc T&I activity. • Widen the participation of the relevant interested communities • Communicate with all stakeholders in order to foster a mutual understanding of the issues surrounding T&I services and development. • Support Jisc in achieving and demonstrating value for money of the UK federation service. • Champion Jisc T&I activity within UK HE & Research, FE, Schools and local government communities. • The group will focus on the operational and strategic aspects of UKf T&I activity, although an expectation that technical issues will be surfaced for further detailed examination. • Maintain an overall watching brief on behalf of its stakeholders on all Jisc activity which can impact on the T&I space, as a result the group will request reports on these activities where required.
If you are interested in participating in the UK federation Advisory Steering Group, please feel to contact me and we can discuss what membership of the working group would entail in further detail.
Would anyone in the FIM4l group be willing to be a part of this steering group?
All the best Caroline
Caroline Checkley Digital Systems and Services Librarian Library Services University of Essex
T 01206 873176 E checkc@essex.ac.uk ► library.essex.ac.ukhttps://library.essex.ac.uk/
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Teilnehmer (1)
Checkley, Caroline R