Q&A page for FIM4L website

Hi all,
We like to create a Q&A page for the website. You can find the page here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xpZ6eE1LxlXtYXXQ_kPPyrgxEoyNkeEuqXkddJJU...
Please have a look and drop your comments and/or Q&A's and suggestions as you like. Or send an email to me.
Furthermore, we are preparing a public consultation for the new version of FIM4L recommendations. We will do this on the LIBER websitehttps://libereurope.eu/working-group/liber-fim4l-working-group/.
Since last FIM4L newsletter (June) we cleared up comments and add some additional changes. Most catching perhaps is that we changed the two configuration options 4.a and 4.b, from "Transitory Access" and "Personalized Access" to: "Anonymous Access" and "Pseudonymous Access". This is done to align with REFEDShttps://wiki.refeds.org/display/ENT/Entity-Categories+Home entity categories, named: Anonymous- and Pseudonymous Authorization.
You can find the draft second version of FIM4L recommendations herehttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1fae_IDch-wOkgnBD_3MaZCHOsQ7pLxzXvl7h7VkYAlc/edit#heading=h.uifogn3qu4vl.
Your input is appreciated!
All the best, Jos
Jos Westerbeke Library IT specialist/manager | Erasmus University Rotterdam | www.eur.nl/library | jos.westerbeke@eur.nl | +31 640295513
Teilnehmer (1)
Jos Westerbeke