Hi List,
erroneously this discussion was without CC to the list. Well here it is.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: ICOLC & FIM4L Datum: Thu, 23 May 2019 13:16:46 +0200 Von: Peter Gietz peter.gietz@daasi.de An:
Hi Jos,
Thanks a lot for this very interesting pointer. I think the ALR comments make the FIM4L activity even more important, since we address at least parts of the gaps analyzed by ALR.
1.) Obviously this is the case with regards to privacy and I feel encouraged to stick to our current recommendations but also to be more explicit and detailed about the potential privacy related consequences. To not further delay of the publication of the guidelines I would like to propose to star another document only dealing with privacy related consequences of FIM.
The other two main subjects of the ALR gap analysis are:
2.) accessibility aspects, which are more directly directed to the RA21 Javascript-enhancements for easing the discovery process, where I am unsure whether FIM4L should take this up
3.) auditing and statistics: Here I do see FIM4L subject space and again I would recommend to write yet another document on that, instead of addressing too much more (than the already discussed attribute for statistics) in tzhe guidelines text.
As to your question: I very much propose to try to get ALR into FIM4L.
Am 22.05.19 um 09:33 schrieb Jos Westerbeke:
An interesting response from ARL to RA21: https://www.arl.org/news/arl-news/4780-arl-comments-on-ra21-proposal-for-acc...
Should we reach out to ARL?
cheers, Jos
Teilnehmer (1)
Peter Gietz