Hi Stephan,

We will be several at the hotel on Sunday. I will be arriving just before 7pm and will be happy to go to the restaurant with you and others that would also like some help.

Ludovic Poitou

From: Stephan Fabel Stephan Fabel
Reply: Stephan Fabel sfabel@hawaii.edu
Date: November 14, 2013 at 12:24:02
To: speakers@lists.ldapcon.org speakers@lists.ldapcon.org
Subject:  Re: [Speakers] Diner on Sunday evening

I'll arrive at CDG 4:50pm, and will make it to the hotel right after that. If
someone were to help me get to the dinner, I would appreciate it.


On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 03:58:48 PM Clément OUDOT wrote:
> Hello,
> for people arriving on Sunday, we have booked a restaurant in the
> centre of Paris:
> Loubnane - http://www.loubnane.fr/
> 29 Rue Galande - 75005 Paris
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=48.85123&mlon=2.34768&node=718628328#map=
> 18/48.85123/2.34768
> We can meet there at 19h30. We should be around 20 people. If you plan
> to come but later, please tell us.
> In case of emergency, you can reach me on my phone: +33 6 43 68 74 60
> Seen you soon,
> Clément.
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Stephan Fabel
Technical Lead / College of Education
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Phone (808) 956-7939 - Cell (260) 232-2357
Speakers mailing list