this is a submission for a presentation at LDAPCon 2015.
Michael Ströder asked Univention, if we would like to contribute a talk about the use of OpenLDAP in our product. Since there are different facets to this, I will submit three different proposals. The program committee may decide which, if any, proposals are most interesting and fitting for LDAPCon. For clarity I'll submit them as separate emails.
This is proposal Nr. 1: ================================================== Title:
OpenLDAP Listener/Notifier replication technology in Univention Corporate Server
This presentation is about the OpenLDAP Listener/Notifier replication mechanism implemented in the Debian based open source enterprise Linux Distribution Univention Corporate Server (UCS).
The first model of this mechanism has been implemented way back in 2003 and after a couple of revisions it still serves as a backbone of data and schema replication between OpenLDAP servers in UCS today. The talk will highlight features and technology of the mechanism and experience from experiments to rebase it on the syncrepl mechanism; Schema replication is one of the crucial features here.
The speaker works as opensource developer for Univention (Bremen/Germany) in the fields of OpenLDAP and Samba/AD directory services and authentication since 2007. Univention is a company that offers a Debian based enterprise Linux distribution which provides identity and service management for customers in the the private and public sector and claims to be an alternative to Microsoft Active Directory server infrastructure. Before that he gathered experience in different old-school Unix flavours as a systems administrator at University as well as in other side jobs. As a theoretical physicist by education and PhD he obtained hands on experience with cross language library bindings (C++, Python and some science specific computer languages) and high perfomance distributed computing. ==================================================
Cheers, Arvid Requate