Hello together!

Please see below my submission abstract for a 45 minute talk.

Improvements of LDAP protocol and transaction protocol

The talk focuses on two fields:

The presentation visualizes the mentioned problems and the proposed solutions by means of graphical sequence diagrams surrounded by written explanations. Further it contains graphs of experimental verifications of the throughput improvements. The experiments are carried out once in the Amazon cloud using intercontinental connections with long latency and once using the same equipment locally within the same sub net.


My name is Christian Hollstein. I am the CEO and founder of TeraCortex, a start up company developing LDAP technology since end of 2012. Our main product is DVTDS, a high speed LDAP directory server. I presented the server already at the LDAPCon 2013 in Paris. This talk is not going to focus on this product. Instead it is aiming to share some of the things that make the server so fast.

From 2006 I worked more than six years as LDAP data model designer for T-Mobile / DTAG mobile subscriber management. I was responsible for some of the main components (HLR / LTE) as well as for a number of mass data migrations in a distributed directory of 100 servers.

Before T-Mobile I spent my professional life in various long term projects in DTAG and Siemens, most time as developer and / or data base and system administrator.

Since 1985 I hold a degree in communications engineering from Fachhochschule Osnabrück, Germany.

Best regards

Christian Hollstein

Christian Hollstein, CEO

TeraCortex GmbH, HRB 208395
Hopfenbrede 2
D-49179 Ostercappeln, Germany

Phone: 0049 5473 9933