this is another submission for a presentation at LDAPCon 2015.
Michael Ströder asked Univention, if we would like to contribute a talk about the use of OpenLDAP in our product. Since there are different facets to this, I'm submitting three different proposals. The program committee may decide which, if any, proposal(s) are most interesting and fitting for LDAPCon. For clarity I'll submit them as separate emails.
This is proposal Nr. 2: ================================================== Title:
Experiences from the Integration of Samba4 and OpenLDAP in Univention Corporate Server
This presentation is about the experience of integrating Samba 4.x Directory services into the OpenLDAP based Identity Management solution provided by the Debian based enterprise Linux distribution Univention Corporate Server (UCS).
The speaker gives details about the technological challenges and approaches taken during the release phase of the 4.x series of Samba. The speaker is a developer at Univention and took part in bringing the OpenLDAP backed Kerberized services (DNS, Squid) and Windows domain authentication provided by UCS into the age of Opensource Active Directory compatibility.
The speaker works as opensource developer for Univention (Bremen/Germany) in the fields of OpenLDAP and Samba/AD directory services and authentication since 2007. Univention is a company that offers a Debian based enterprise Linux distribution which provides identity and service management for customers in the the private and public sector and claims to be an alternative to Microsoft Active Directory server infrastructure. Before that he gathered experience in different old-school Unix flavours as a systems administrator at University as well as in other side jobs. As a theoretical physicist by education and PhD he obtained hands on experience with cross language library bindings (C++, Python and some science specific computer languages) and high perfomance distributed computing. ==================================================
Cheers, Arvid Requate